Oy Vey Google

What do I have to do to Thank you!!

Thanks GOOG

Thanks GOOG

You Tube Wedding Sensation

You might have seen this on the news and all over the Internet – here is the video that is hitting the airwaves and is creating a huge buzz on the Internet… It started as a regular wedding – and everyone was expected the bride and groom to walk down the aisle when suddenly…..



of course a few days later youtube had a divorce parody up… here it is


My Twitter

Follow Me on Twitter – Im told its Comical

Follow me on twitter

Bernie Madoffs AmEx Bill

And I thought mine was big

Bernie’s Credit Card Statements

Error on Page

Nothing Get me more upset on a Website when you see this on the bottom left of your web page


Robbie Decides to Transform

I am outside my parents house when Robbie decides to transform into a transformer. Yes, he is that out to lunch 🙂
He is just to eat up


Then he does the same thing with a Bakugan

Western Wall

This Picture was sent to me recently by a Friend. You cant get a better picture of this of the western wall (kotel) I was in Israel the day this picture was taken. I was up when the sun rose. Not so sure it looked like this, but it sure is a beautiful picture. Oh thank the lord for photoshop!!


Kid Going Through Trash

This has to be one of the saddest thing i saw in a long time. I was sitting in Bar Burger near CM’s house in Arzai, and I was enjoying my burger, when this kid comes and sneaks in and this is what he proceeded to do.

Yes, He is going through the TRASH to see if he can find some bottles and cans to get a few extra agurot to his family.

Now appreciate what you have and tell your kids as well. I encourage you to show this video to them as well. It might inspire them to not make fun of their poor friends, or to help other kids in need.

I always took the “quick burger” I was going to eat for granted and never really stopped and appreciated it. Until I saw this young boy actually walk in and look through the trash to find a few bottles and cans to make a few “agurot” to give to his family. All that extra agurot couldnt add up to a Burger.

I was very fortunate to grow up with food on the table and never hungry. However, do we ever realize that there are kids that are so close to where we are (in this case, right next door to CM) that DON’T have food to eat for dinner. They are actually going to bed hungry, parents actually having to ask their kids to collect bottles and cans out of garbages so they can feed their families. This isn’t a solicitation for anything. This is just an awakening that I personally had, and something I realized that I take for granted every time I go to a restaurant to eat. How spoiled.

I followed this young boy for another block and watched him rummage through other trash cans for more bottles and cans, he even put some things in his pocket, could it have been food? I have no idea. I finally mustered up the courage to go over to him and give him $20.00 US Dollars. First he looked at me confused as if I wanted change… when he realized I was giving it to him (his family) he started giving me blessings like I never got in my life. I don’t really understand Hebrew, but it was very meaningful, because I saw it coming straight from his heart.

I watched as he started to leave (yes, I borderline stalked him)… he saw some of his friends who he was proudly showing the $20 bill, and explained that this “might be over 70 shekel”… Oh, the happiness on the kids face was priceless.

My burger can finally digest. Next time you have a burger, think of our hungry children that could possibly be our own neighbors.